microbladed eyebrows


Microblading is the PMU method using a handheld tool made up of tiny needles to create natural hair-like strokes on the brows. This method is best for people who want the minimal, most natural look.
  • Numbing is included.

  • Uses a handheld “blade”

  • Touchup after 8 weeks, then no touchup needed again for 24 months (or more depending on skin type).

microbladed and shaded eyebrows (combo brows)

Combo Brow

Combo Brow (also known as MicroShading) is the method of combining both Microblading + Powder Brow. This gives the client the natural fluffy hair stroke look, but with a more filled brow color. 
  • Numbing is included.

  • Uses a handheld “blade” + machine shading.

  • Touchup after 8 weeks, then no touchup needed again for 24 months (or more depending on skin type).

shaded powder brows pmu service

Powder Brow

Powder Brow (also called Ombre Brows) is the method of adding color to your brows using a machine, to create a powdery look. This method of PMU is recommended for p.o.c, (due to skin type/texture) or best for anyone who prefers a makeup styled look.
  • Numbing is included.

  • Uses a machine with a single needle cartridge.

  • Touchup after 8 weeks, then no touchup needed again for 24 months (or more depending on skin type).